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About Our Program

Applications for school year 2025-2026 are open until December 2, 2024. Applications received after this date will be reviewed for our entrance waitlist.

The Ellis Clark Regional Agriscience and Technology Program is designed to provide students a balanced combination of technical agricultural knowledge, supervised agricultural work experience, leadership training, and FFA activities. Our mission is to successfully prepare students to either continue their education in college or to enter directly into an agricultural career.

Agriscience and Technology is an elective program within the total curriculum of Nonnewaug High School. Students taking this program are scheduled for a minimum of 320 minutes per week in grades 10, 11, and 12. Up to 2.5 credits are awarded for grades 10, 11, and 12 while grade 9 meets for 225 minutes per week and students are awarded one credit. Work experience is a required part of the program and all students in 10th - 12th grades are expected to secure a Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) that will help them develop the skills and knowledge taught in their classes.

Each student must fulfill all requirements of Nonnewaug High School. All students are encouraged to select classes that are challenging and that will prepare the student for future needs. Proper course selection during their high school career will allow students to prepare for a four year college, two year college, or to secure employment upon graduation from high school. All school activities are available to students enrolled in the Agriscience and Technology Program such as sports, drama, band, student council, and other student organizations.

All students enrolled in the Agriscience and Technology Program are expected to belong to the FFA. This is a national organization of students studying agriscience and technology that has state, district, local, and national levels of organization. The FFA is co-curricular and is integrated into the overall Agriscience and Technology curriculum.

We will be recruiting at all public middle schools in the towns of Ansonia, Bethany, Orange, Bethlehem, Derby, Middlebury, Naugatuck, Oxford, Prospect, Seymour, Southbury, Watertown, and Woodbury this fall. If you reside in one of these towns and your child does not attend public school, you are welcome to contact our program for more information.

We look forward to meeting you and working with your child!


100 years of History- Past Graduate Testimony